Women’s Health Conferences | Annual Midwifery Summit Events | Women’s Health Research Midwifery Congress | Paris, France | 2022

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womens health conference 2022

About Conference

39th Annual Midwifery Summit  scheduled on September 05-06, 2022 Paris, France will be hosting presentations based upon the few highlights as Smart IT counselling in Midwifery practices, Women’s Health Digitalization with a revolutionalized Hospital Information system, Global Midwifery Advocacy: policies, current issues and its management, Healthcare IT Management for smart workplace practices and much more. The theme of the conference is “Endeavour New Advancements and Techniques in Health Care: Caring from cells to souls”

The distinguished tracks are having a disperse information regarding the Womens Health Conference 2022  new innovations and Information Technologies. This year our event will be focusing on the global phenomenon of the possible quality inputs in Midwifery practices, if nurtured with a vintage epitome of organized administrative management of well-balanced digital nutrition , can have the power to remould the old midwifery concept into  a revolution of Digital Ambassadors which can eventually  restyle the whole outlook of Nursing & Healthcare Management .It is to address Midwifery and Women’s Health-related scientific communities to leap into this beautiful revolution of digital Ambassador  into every aspect of Midwifery and Women’s Health sector and reveal the quality digital technologies to firm up and elevate women’s health before, during and after pregnancy. The aim is to explore smart management strategies planning ,implementation and its technical execution in an dynamically analytical  manner , so that the midwives can facilitate themselves into a digital platform and can become role model globally with modernized concept of paediatrics IT and digital psychological counselling in hypnobirthing ,thereby giving pregnant women to experience a adventurous journey of birthing. Digital Midwives can play a crucial role in providing IT paediatric counselling & educating the women, how to put up her health and baby’s health. Also, the vigorous market statistics will provide a broad approach for the attendees to explore the ideas and issues related to Health care and vide the future of midwives as delegated Digital Ambassadors. Broadly eminence speakers, the most recent frameworks, methodologies, and the most current updates are indicators of Midwifery congress 2020.

The conference proceedings include Keynote speeches, Exhibition, Plenary talks, Workshops, Symposiums, Poster sessions, B2B networking and Panel discussions on the latest research developments in the field of Healthcare Management and Nursing .

Conference Series Ltd is the International conferences event organizer and Open Access Journal publisher. Conference Series Ltd currently has more than 700+ Open Access journals with 50,000 Editorial team and 3 million+ readers. Conference Series Ltd organizes 1000+ International scientific events for year across the world, where transfer of knowledge takes place through Oral Presentations, poster presentations, round table meetings, International symposiums, International workshops & world class exhibitions. Conference Series Ltd conferences host several presentations by eminent experts in the relevant fields.

This global event will provide an excellent opportunity for DoctorsHealth care expertsHospital AdministratorsEpidemiologistsNutritionistsPhysicians, Nurse practitionersHealth care analystsDoctors, Business delegatesYoung Researchers encouraging the pro-found administration of medicaments and explore case reports with the results to justify cure and healing for various ailments.

Participation Benefits

  • Will be felicitated with International Organizing Committee Member (IOCM) Certificate
  • Access to all Scientific Sessions (Keynotes, Plenary, Workshops, Symposiums, Poster Presentations)
  • Full Conference Kit with Conference Souvenir and Final Program (e-copies)
  • Abstracts will be published in the conference souvenir and respective International journals
  • Each Abstract will receive unique (DOI) Number provided by Cross Ref
  • Laudable talks by the top-notch of the global scientific community
  • Website visibility to more than 35K visitors in less than 6 months
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  • 89% our conference attendees are the Key contact in their universities, companies, organizations, hospitals, medical centers, labs purchasing decisions.
  • Our exhibitor booths were visited 4-5 times by 80% of the attendees during the conference.
  • Past exhibitor’s feedback reveals ample of enquiries perceived from the conference attendees.


Session and Tracks

Track 1: Midwifery

midwife is a proficient professional in midwifery who assists women during labor, delivery, and after the natality of their infants. Midwives may deliver infants at birthing centers or at home as well as can deliver babies at a hospital. Midwifery is also called obstetrics where the midwives accord with the postpartum period, pregnancy, and childbirth which includes the care of infants.

Midwifery practice facilitates or expedites the natural processes with an emphasis on the holistic care of women within the context of their families and communities. Midwives partner with women to provide evidence-based, individualized care. The midwife collaborates with appropriate health care professionals and refers the woman and/or new-born to specialists as needed if complications arise beyond the midwife’s scope of practice.

Track 2: Midwifery Skills

Midwife is a person (typically a woman) who is trained to assist women in childbirth. Midwife requires various skills like Excellent people skills to support the huge diversity of women, during some of the most emotionally-intense periods in their lives. Good communication and observation at listening and communicating with women, their partners and families Interest in the physical, psychological and process of pregnancy and birth to have an in-depth understanding fetal and child development Ability to answer questions and offer advice share your knowledge and skills with patients, their families and friends and make sure their needs are recognized by the rest of the care team happy to work as part of a team work alongside the parents and baby. The better you know each other, the more smoothly the birth is likely to go and to deal with deal with emotionally charged situations.

Track 3: Midwifery Care

Midwifery care is holistic and continuous in nature, grounded in an understanding of the emotional, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, and physical experiences of women. Pregnancy and nativity are usually normal physiological processes. For ages, midwives have assisted women during childbirth as well as cared throughout their reproductive lives. Prenatal care involves a series of regular exams and evaluations with the midwife. Prenatal care helps in detecting and preventing various kinds of diseases that can be attacked to mother and then spread to the baby. Postnatal care should be a continuation of the care the woman received during her pregnancy, labor, and birth. Postnatal care involves planning and regularly reviewing the content and timing of care, for individual women and their infants. Medical care to women starting from puberty to menopause can be indulged by nurse midwives and includes care for their newborn (neonatology), intrapartum, antepartum, nonsurgical gynecological care and postpartum. Disease prevention, health promotion, individualized wellness education and counseling can be included in midwifery.

Track 4: Maternal and Child Health

Maternal health is associated with the health of women during pregnancychildbirth and the postpartum period. While motherhood is most often a positive and fulfilling experience, but for many women, it is affiliated with suffering, ill-health and even demise. It is important for children to get regular checkups with their health care provider. Visits to  medical practitioner is a good chance to check the child's development and catch or prevent problems.

Track 5: Women’s Health

Women have unique health issues; some health issues affect women differently or peculiarly. Some of the unique health issues include pregnancy, menopause, and conditions of the female organs. Women can avoid unhealthy pregnancy by having early and regular prenatal care. They can also be recommended for cervical cancerbreast cancer, and bone density screenings. Complications in pregnancy are one of the serious health problems which can affect the mother's health, the baby's health, or both. Diet and nutrition during pregnancy time must be recommended to the pregnant ladies as well as eating well at work. Protein-rich veg recipes as well as, 13-16 weeks Calcium rich recipes are beneficial for pregnant women. Ovulation is the event of de Graf’s follicles rupturing and releasing secondary oocyte ovarian cells. The best time to try and conceive is during the ‘fertile window’ of the menstrual cycle. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common medical complaint. It is estimated that up to 40 percent of women will have a UTI at some time in their lives. Breast cancer is cancer that develops from breast tissue. Signs of breast cancer may include a lump in the breast, a change in breast shape. Certain factors increase your risk of ovarian cancer such as Age Inherited gene mutation, Estrogen hormone replacement therapy.

Track 6: Childbirth

Midwives are skilled enough to assist with a normal vaginal delivery while more complicated deliveries are handled by a health care provider who has had further training and is better proficient.

Track 7: Midwifery services in Breastfeeding

Breast milk is the perfect food for the baby. It protects the baby against gastroenteritis and diarrhea, ear and chest infections, allergies and diabetes. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of bleeding after the birth, is convenient. An early stage of nutrition for the infants starts from the mother’s milk. Immunity development for the child starts to improve eventually through the breast milk. Breastfeeding also helps in managing weight of the mother eventually. A midwife’s advice in the infant feeding at the initial stages after the birth of the child initially for the first three months after the birth adds to the mother’s health.

Track 8: Neonatal Nursing

Neonatal Nursing is a subspecialty of pediatrics that comprises of the medicinal care of infants, particularly the ill or premature infants. It is a healing center-based strength and is typically polished in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). The key patients of neonatologists are infants who are sick or requiring exceptional restorative care because of rashness, low birth weight, intrauterine development impediment, intrinsic deformities (birth abandons), sepsis, pulmonary hypoplasia or birth asphyxia.

Track 9: Gynecology & Obstetrics

Restorative claim to fame that arrangements with obstetrics and gynecology are Obstetrics and Gynecology. Gynaecology and Obstetrics bestow its attention on a sense of duty regarding greatness in both patient care and comfort. With suppliers/pros in ladies' wellbeing, assemble offers benefits that are by and large not found in all Obstetrics and Gynecology gatherings. In more noteworthy Hartford range with four workplaces, Gynecology and Obstetrics utilizes a protected electronic Medical record (EMR) framework that empowers a patient's vital medicinal data immediately accessible, regardless of which office she visits. The progressed EMR framework enables the patients to enter their own restorative history specifically web-based bringing about a practically paperless condition.

Track 10: Influence of Drugs and general awareness in Pregnancy

The more lifted your circulatory strain and the more extreme your preeclampsia, the higher your danger of intricacies, for example, stroke. Against hypertensive prescriptions may direct your pulse and avoid such complexities. A few pharmaceuticals are recommended for pregnant ladies with hypertension because of preeclampsia. These operators lower pulse and secure against confusions and are basically accessible in pill structure. Then again, if your pulse is more than 180/120, you may require an intravenous prescription to lower it. Cardiovascular medications amid pregnancy. bleakness and mortality because of cardiovascular ailment is expanding in pregnancy. The physiologic changes of typical pregnancy serve as an 'anxiety test' on the cardiovascular framework. This may prompt the unmasking of a dormant basic heart condition or the new onset of maternal cardiovascular ailment, with an orderly increment in unfavorable maternal and fetal results. Body will go through a lot of changes as the baby grows and hormones change. Along with the aches and pains of pregnancy, several other signs and symptoms that can be seen in pregnant women include fatigue, more vaginal discharge, constipation, heart burn, nosebleeds and bleeding gums, swelling, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids breathing problems, problems with urination. Pre- Post Pregnancy Care involves treatments and trainings to ensure a healthy pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and birthing process for the mother and for her child.


Market Analysis

Nurses Worldwide Global Women’s Health Market

The market research analysts have predicted the global women’s health market to grow at a CAGR of more than 3% over the forecast period. With many countries improving the healthcare facilities, the market for women’s health will have a positive outlook in the coming years. Many countries have substantially increased their healthcare budgets as a part of their social security measure. For instance, the US Government spend 17% of their GDP on the healthcare sector in 2014. With such increases in the budgets by various countries, the women’s health market is expected to show growth until the end of 2022.

In the research report, the analysts have estimated factors such as the growing awareness of birth control methods will spur the growth of this market in the forecast period. Contraception and fertility control are supported by the governments of developing nations such as India and China to curb the growing population. However, in western countries, women have stopped using contraceptive pill due to their side effects and are increasingly using IUDs and implants. Therefore, the increasing awareness about alternative growth methods will aid in the growth of this market until the end of 2022.

Nursing and midwifery Manpower analysis of England:

In the year to July 2018, the number of nurses and health visitors has scarcely changed – increasing by less than 0.5% to 282,661 FTE. There are now more than 41,000 qualified nursing and midwifery posts reported vacant in the NHS in England – more than 1 in 10.15 However, the overall picture of stagnation in the numbers masks some wide differences between areas of nursing (Figure 1). For example, while the FTE number of nurses and health visitors in children’s health grew by 2.2%, and in mental health grew by 0.5%, in community services it fell by 1.2%. This fall was driven by a decrease in the number of health visitors negating a small rise in the number of other nurses working in community services.

Midwives & Doulas Industry in the US - Market Research Report: US Midwifery Industry Trend

The Midwives and Doulas industry comprises non physician healthcare providers that aid the delivery of babies and care of the mother. Industry operators offer care to childbearing women during their pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period. They may also help care for the new-born through six weeks of age, including assisting the mother with breastfeeding. Industry revenue has grown over the five years to 2019, rising at an annualized rate of 0.7% to $3.3 billion. In 2019 alone, industry revenue is projected to grow 2.8%. Similarly, industry profit margins have increased slightly over the past five years.

April 2019 Labor away: Expanding healthcare coverage will raise demand for industry services

-Total Revenue in 2019- $3bn

-Number of Businesses - 17,246

-Annual Growth 2014-2019 - 0.7%

-Industry Employment - 22,058

Industry SWOT Analysis

The industry is exposed to the following threats and opportunities:

The largest source of external competition for the Midwives and Doulas industry comes from gynecologists and obstetricians. Births led by obstetricians as opposed to midwives draws revenue away from this industry. Traditionally, in the United States, most births are led by an obstetrician and not a midwife. In midwife-led births, however, an obstetrician only steps in when a midwife determines that it is medically necessary for the mother or baby. In 2019, demand for gynaecologists and obstetricians is anticipated to increase, presenting a potential threat to industry operators.

The number of births represents the number of registered annual births in the United States. Demand for health care providers that guide women through childbirth, including non-physician midwives and doulas, is ultimately dependent on the number of babies being born. An increase in births raises demand for midwives and doulas. In 2019, the number of births is anticipated to increase, presenting a potential opportunity for the industry.

Summary of Midwifery Congress 2022:

Womens Health Conference 2022 provides the perfect platform for all the participants which is an interactive and engaging 2-day event: unique in format, content, networking, and engagement. The main theme of Midwifery Congress 2018 is “Endeavour New Advancements and Techniques in Health Care: Caring from cells to souls”. It is to address Midwifery and Women’s Health-related scientific communities to leap into this beautiful revolution of digital Ambassador into every aspect of Midwifery and Women’s Health sector and reveal the quality digital technologies to firm up and elevate women’s health before, during and after pregnancy. The aim is to explore smart management strategies planning ,implementation and its technical execution in an dynamically analytical  manner , so that the midwives can facilitate themselves into a digital platform and can become role model globally with modernized concept of paediatrics IT and digital psychological counselling in hypnobirthing ,thereby giving pregnant women to experience an adventurous journey of birthing. Digital Midwives can play a crucial role in providing IT paediatric counselling & educating the women, how to put up her health and baby’s health. Also, the vigorous market statistics will provide a broad approach for the attendees to explore the ideas and issues related to Health care and vide the future of midwives as delegated Digital Ambassadors. Broadly eminence speakers, the most recent frameworks, methodologies, and the most current updates are indicators of Midwifery congress 2020

Past Conference Report

Midwifery 2019 took a significant privilege in reporting the beginning of 8th invites to all the participants around the globe to “8th World Congress on Midwifery and Women's Health” scheduled during March 18-19, 2019, Sydney, Australia with a theme “Endeavor New Standard in Health Care: Caring from cells to souls “which included prompt Keynote presentations, Oral talks and Poster presentations, Workshops, Video Presentations and Exhibitions. This has been led with the point and the unmitigated plan of advancing the improvements of new recognitions and thoughts for investigating the abnormal state of learning come to by academic network on Midwifery. A great Midwifery meeting facilitated by Conference Series was set apart with the participation of youthful and splendid analysts, clinicians, business delegates and capable understudy networks. The gathering was sorted out around the topic scientific mission to upgrade the intriguing and perplexed technologies. The occasion embedded a firm connection of up and coming systems in the field of Midwifery and advanced Nursing with established researchers. The calculated and appropriate information shared, will likewise cultivate hierarchical coordinated efforts to sustain logical increasing speeds. This yearly meeting united famous researchers, Nurses, Midwives, Public Health experts, University educators, Midwifery experts in which numerous issues in Midwives explorers were talked about inside and out to give cutting-edge data to the world. Then again, the gathering gave a chance to an open and vivified sharing of thoughts and encounters. The gathering saw an amalgamation of excellent speakers, who illuminated the group with their lucky research information and on different charming points identified with the field of Neuroscience. The market research analysts have predicted the global women’s health market to grow at a CAGR of more than 3% over the forecast period. With many countries improving the healthcare facilities, the market for women’s health will have a positive outlook in the coming years. Many countries have substantially increased their healthcare budgets as a part of their social security measure. For instance, the US Government spend 17% of their GDP on the healthcare sector in 2014. With such increases in the budgets by various countries, the women’s health market is expected to show growth until the end of 2020.Conference Series offers its ardent thankfulness to all the Organizing Committee Members, Chairs and Co-Chairs, Speakers, Students, Media Partners and Editorial Board Members of Journal of Nursing & Care ,  Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health , Journal of Advanced Nursing who bolstered the meeting in each angle for the stunning show at the setting. We by and by thank all of you for the huge impeccable reaction. This motivates us to keep sorting out occasions and gatherings for advancing the Midwifery Research. Conference Series in this way, is happy to announce its “38th Annual Midwifery Summit”, September 01-02, 2020 Osaka, Japan.

Check your logbooks for the up and coming gathering; we want to see you soon!



To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date September 05-06, 2022

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